
Realtime Monitoring and Alerting

Integrations for building the digital twin of your everyday challenges

Integrated Datasources for your convenience

Regardless of whether these are Darkweb or social media

Anomalies: Keyword and Actor Monitoring

Anomaly detection can be used with keywords and actors to always stay up to date

Recognize unusual activities in SocMedia

Anomaly detection can be used with keywords and actors to always stay up to date

Darkweb crawler the decisive advantage

Whether retrograde analysis or regular monitoring in today’s fast-paced world, it brings you leverage advantage.

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We already integrated about 70 Datasource for OSINT investigation.

Integrate easily any public data source

Regardless of whether these are natural disasters or flight data

Social media inception

It all starts with a post

In a world where every post, message and data fragment tells a story, our Datastudio offers the opportunity to trace these beginnings and decipher the insights hidden within. With Falcrum Inception, every analysis process begins with a seemingly simple post or data point. But hidden in these beginnings is complex information just waiting to be discovered.

Our Datastudio: Inception, is a powerful tool designed to turn a single data point into a comprehensive analysis. It simplifies the tracking and analysis of data provenance, turning every post into a starting point for deep insights. 

Instead of struggling with hundreds of tools, our Datastudio provides a centralized, intuitive platform for all your data analysis needs.

Whether it’s identifying trends, recognizing patterns or verifying the credibility and provenance of information, Falcrum Inception is the start of a journey into the world of data. Every analysis that begins in our data studio opens the door to new perspectives and well-founded decisions. Follow the data from its origin and discover the stories it tells. With Falcrum Inception, your journey of discovery into the depths of the data world begins.

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